Due to inclement weather, all Crossings locations are closed and all activities are cancelled through Wednesday, February 19. MDO and The Club will not meet Thursday, February 20.

One Step at a Time Sermon Series Resources

The "One Step at a Time" sermon series is exploring the habits, fears, or comfort zones that hold us back from experiencing the full and abundant life Jesus offers. There are practical, biblical steps to leave behind what keeps us stuck and move toward the freedom and transformation Jesus promises. Sometimes the first step is admitting we can’t do it on our own. So, below you'll find resources for a variety of life situations. These resources can help you learn new healthy habits and connect with a community of others doing the same.


Life's Healing Choices

As a resource for the One Step at a Time series, we are offering this eight-week study, for men and women, which focuses on the eight choices that promote happiness and life transformation to help you find God's pathway to wholeness and health. 

Click on locations below to view class details.

Resource Suggestions by Topic

Click on the bolded resources to learn more.

  • Chosen, Crossings OKC Wednesday night class

  • Financial Stewardship video series taught by Pastor Bill Search - available on Crossings Resources
  • Contact us to learn how to view money management from a biblical perspective.


For further guidance on which resources may be most helpful to you, call LifeCare Ministries at (405) 302-1249.