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For Men
Men’s Bible studies are available on various days throughout the week and provide men with a community of like-minded believers who encourage one another through each stage of life.
Bible Study
For men of all ages
Wednesday Nights
For men of all ages.
Support & Recovery
Men’s Bible Study group at Old School Bagel
Men address common roadblocks to prayer
For men who have found themselves entering the world of singleness
Empowers men to fight porn and addiction
10-month CR Step Study dealing with mixed recovery issues that include any hurt, pain, or addiction.
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Crossings Men's Ministry
Crossings Men | Crossings OKC
Pastor, Men's Ministry - OKC
Crossings Men | Crossings Edmond
Edmond Location Pastor
Crossings Men | Crossings Community Center
Men’s Bible studies provide men with a community of like-minded believers who encourage one another through each stage of life.
Pastor, Connections Ministries - Community Center
Crossings Men | Crossings Mayfair
Men's Bible studies provide men with a community of like-minded believers who encourage one another through each stage of life.
Mayfair Location Pastor
Dad's Roundtable is where Crossings pastors and leaders share how fatherhood and faith intersect, but it's not always pretty!