Why should I go on a

Crossings Mission Trip?

Our vision is to “live by faith, be a voice of hope, and be known by love.” We aim to live this out wherever we find ourselves on the planet because Jesus invited all of his followers to share his message—of hope, love, healing, and redemption—with the world. 

While those around us need to hear the Gospel message, we have also been "commissioned” to take that message to people all over the planet who need to know God sees them, loves them, and has an incredible plan for their lives (Acts 1:8; Matthew 18:19-20). 

Crossings leads teams on global mission trips to serve alongside our global partners and missionaries to encourage them in the work God has called and empowered them to do. It allows us to grow in our faith as we connect with, support, learn from, and worship with brothers and sisters in other parts of the world—the Global Church.

We hope you will prayerfully consider joining us, and allow the Spirit of God to expand your vision and your heart to align with his.


Crossings mission trips are tagged with categories based on the level of difficulty and experience required.

Recommended for individuals who are participating in a mission trip for the first time. These trips are not as physically demanding as others, and there is minimal to no translation required.

Previous mission trip experience is recommended, but not required. These trips are more physically demanding, requiring manual labor alongside our partners, and they typically require the use of translators for the local dialect.  

Previous mission trip experience or expertise in a particular career field (i.e. medical, dental, academia, pastoral, etc.) is required. These trips are more physically and spiritually demanding and are typically among unreached people groups or highly sensitive “religious” areas.

Info Meetings

Learn more about how Crossings celebrates the Global Church and how you can be involved when attending a Mission Trip Info Meeting. At these meetings, you will learn about the upcoming mission trips, the application process, costs, spiritual preparation, and more.

Upcoming Info Meetings:

  • Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30PM
  • Wednesday, January 8 at 5:30PM
  • Sunday, April 6 at 2:30PM
  • Sunday, August 3 at 2:30PM


Mission Trips

Roatán, Honduras

Category 1 • $1700 • 16+

Roatán, Honduras

This global mission trip encourages our missionary partnership with Deborah Hunnicutt as she serves with children in the bilingual school she founded, Samuel Raymond Christian School. This team will help tutor the children (grades K – 9th) and engage in evangelistic, recreational, and relational activities with the students and the local community.

Next trip dates: TBD

El Salvador

Category 2 • $2400 • 16+

El Salvador

Crossings serves alongside our global partner ENLACE in the central region of El Salvador to help local church and community leaders with strategic infrastructural projects and community development.

Previously, Crossings teams have assisted with building a road, a medical clinic expansion, and building a playground for a rural school.

These projects not only promote economic growth and stability, but are also pivotal in preventing diseases, boosting educational outcomes, and combating poverty.

Next trip dates: TBD

Casa de la Esperanza

Category 1 • $1875 • 16+

Casa de la Esperanza

On this mission trip, Crossings will coordinate a Christmas program and activities with the children at Casa and serve alongside their church in Anáhuac to engage in community outreach. Our team will engage in meal distribution, as well as evangelistic, recreational, and relational activities with the students and the local community.

Next trip dates: TBD