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OKC Mondays at 9:15 AM Crossings OKC
Dana Neal
Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You’re not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it’s a struggle. Throughout God’s Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.
In When You Pray, a seven-session study, join with six beloved Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You’ll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You’ll see examples of how to pray when you’re alone and when you’re gathered with others. Above all, you’ll notice there’s no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, you’ll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ.
Purchase the book from your favorite retailer. Childcare registration is required and is available for children 5 months through 4 years old. Participant registration is requested.
Bible Study
Bible study for women of all ages
Wednesday Nights
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