Parent Child Dedication

When parents desire to commit to raising their child in a Christian home and church, the parents and child are recognized in a Sunday morning service at Crossings Edmond, Crossings Mayfair, Crossings OKC, or Crossings Community Center.
Parent Child Dedication

Crossings Edmond

Jun 22 9:00 AM

Crossings Mayfair | Room 101

Jun 22 9:00 AM

Crossings OKC | Room 244

Jun 22 11:00 AM

Parent Child Dedication is a recognition of parents who choose to commit to raising their child in a Christian home and church. It is a public profession of faith, not infant baptism, as we do not offer baptism prior to a person’s choosing to believe in Christ.

Parents are asked to attend a class prior to having their child dedicated in a Sunday morning service. Preregistration is required. 

Parent Child Dedication Class: June 22
Dedication Service: July 27


Mary Thionnet 
Class meets in room 244 at 11AM
OKC Registration


Kari Holder 
Class meets at 9AM
Edmond Registration


Kim Gilliam 
Class meets in room 101 at 9AM
Mayfair Registration


Please contact Jenny Brown at 405-242-5530, if you are interested in Parent Child Dedication at the Community Center.