Investing in Future Ministry


With the launch of Crossings Community Endowment (“Endowment”) in 2017, the opportunity exists for current and future Crossings members to continue the legacy of generosity established from the beginning of the church’s ministry.


Crossings Community Endowment

From its beginnings in 1959, Crossings Community Church (“Crossings”) has demonstrated an attitude of “giving” from day one that included the church’s leadership determining it would give 10% of every dollar received from the weekly general fund tithes and offerings to support missions. Out of that generous decision by leadership came an equally generous offer from the gentleman who was leasing the church building to the congregation for the first few years of the church’s ministry. It was the first of many generous gifts the church would experience in its coming history.

Gifts to the Endowment are gifts that “keep on giving” for years to come, which will have a powerful outcome for God’s Kingdom.

Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Acts 20:35 

Purpose Statement

Crossings Community Endowment provides an opportunity for Crossings members and friends to extend their financial support of the church’s Christ-centered purpose to impact our community and world during and beyond their lifetimes.

Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions. -Luke 12:15

Endowment Board of Directors

Mike Collison

Frank Merrick

Jay Smith

Mike Gilbert

Norma Townsdin

Tyler Grubbs

Wally Johnson

Wayne Bollenbacher

Ryan Brown

About the


Weekly or other periodic giving to the general fund of Crossings is spent on daily, weekly or monthly needs of the church. These gifts to the general budget of the church are essential to Crossings’ operation and ministries. The Endowment is a support organization to the church. Gifts to the Endowment will provide long-term financial assistance to Crossings and its ministries for many years beyond the date of any gifts received. All gifts accepted by the Endowment will be pooled for investment, and grants out of the earnings from these pooled funds will be given to facilitate the church’s ministries. Hence, a gift to the Endowment is a gift that keeps on giving.

Grants to Crossings from the Endowment will provide needed capital improvements to the church’s campuses. They may also provide funds to facilitate the launch of new ministries of Crossings or an enhancement to existing ministries as those needs may arise in future years. Crossings Community Endowment will strengthen the church and its ministries for years to come. It will empower its ministries even in difficult economic times.


The Endowment will not actively solicit contributions to the program. Rather, it will educate members about the opportunity to participate in the program through:

  • Various promotional avenues of the church,
  • Informational mini-seminars members voluntarily choose to attend, and/or
  • Private meetings requested by a church member with staff and/or board members.

A decision to contribute to the Endowment is a spiritual commitment of loyalty and love for the Kingdom work being accomplished at Crossings. As written in the purpose statement on the back page, giving to the Endowment is a way to impact the church’s purpose and mission both now and well into the future. It’s important for us to remember that we don’t own anything. Rather, we are managers (or stewards) of God’s resources while we are on this earth. God promises if we practice good stewardship, His blessing on us will be great. Our faithfulness will have present, future and eternal outcomes.

During our lifetimes, we can give to the Endowment in some of the following ways:

  • In memory of a loved one who has passed away.
  • In honor of someone celebrating a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding, anniversary, birth or graduation.
  • From a windfall of significant income that may or may not be expected (e.g. income resulting from the sale of a business or property, an inheritance, etc.).

Giving to the Endowment may also be accomplished through various other means as a result of careful and thoughtful planning. You may consider the following gifts to maximize the financial blessings you receive as a result of your gift:

  • Directing a qualified, required IRA distribution be paid and mailed directly to the Endowment fund.
  • Including a charitable bequest gift to the Endowment in your will or living trust.
  • Making the Endowment a beneficiary of a retirement plan, life insurance policies, bank account(s), certificates of deposit (CDs) and/or brokerage account(s).

Most gifts will be accepted by the Endowment. However, the Board of Directors reserves the right to decline gifts. Gifts may be declined if they violate the terms of the Endowment’s corporate charter, are too difficult or costly to administer or are gifts for purposes outside the mission of the Endowment. The Endowment staff and board are available to work with you and/or your representative(s) to determine the best way for you to make a planned gift to Crossings Community Endowment.

View our Gift Acceptance Policy right here.

The Endowment’s board and staff are firmly committed to informing, serving, guiding and otherwise assisting donors who wish to support the Endowment’s purpose and activities. Under no circumstances while doing so will there be an intent or action to pressure or unduly persuade potential donors to include the Endowment in their financial and estate planning.

A Reminder & Challenge


Please don’t make any change in your current tithing/giving to the church’s general fund in order to give to the Endowment. Rather, please make your gift(s) to the Endowment something that is “above and beyond” your general fund tithing/giving. Your gifts to the Endowment should be “special gifts” that have the potential to impact the church’s ministry both during and after your lifetime.

“I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.” – C.S. Lewis, author


Here are some common answers to questions about the endowment.

How does the endowment strengthen the church for the future?

What benefits do you see for Crossings as a result of the endowment?

In what way will the endowment benefit Crossings?

How will you preserve my gift?

What will you do with the money?

Do you tithe on my gift to the endowment?

What should I do if I have already prepared my estate plan?

May I direct my gift into different areas within the endowment?


Please contact us if you have any questions

Josh Klossner

Josh Klossner

Director, Finance