Prison Volunteer Rally

Interest meeting for anyone curious about volunteering at the prison campuses.
Prison Volunteer Rally

Crossings OKC

Tammy Baskind


Tammy Baskind

Prison Volunteer Coordinator

Over 70 prison volunteers are needed!

Interested in volunteering at a prison campus? Attend this meeting on Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30 p.m. at Crossings OKC to learn more about what it is like to be a prison campus volunteer and to get your questions answered! RSVP today using the button on this page.

About the current expansion in Crossings Prison Ministry: 

  • Four locations that currently meet once or twice a month will begin meeting weekly, if we have enough volunteers.
  • One of our current prison campuses will be split into two units (medium security and minimum security) and we want to offer a service in both units.
  • Two prisons have asked us to begin services, but we need to fill the volunteer positions at our current prison locations first.