The Chat Room

Be part of this Bible study designed just for single women!
The Chat Room

Crossings OKC | OKC Pavilion

Next Scheduled


Weekly: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM

Crossings OKC | Pavilion

Pam Ingle


Pam Ingle

Pastor, Single Adult Ministries

Crossings Single Adult Ministry invites single ladies of all ages to The Chat Room, a time of Bible study, discussion, and fellowship. A new eight-week session begins Tuesday, September 7 from 6:15 - 8:00 p.m. in the Crossings OKC Pavilion.

This Fall, the focus will be on the three most important relationships in “The Life of a Jesus Follower” by Vance Pitman. Study guides are not required (and not available at the church), but are highly recommended and can be purchased from your favorite book retailer.

Jesus’ life on earth revolved around three relationships. First, he walked in an intimate love relationship with the Father. Second, he lived his life in fellowship with his disciples—doing life with others was the outflow of his relationship with the Father. And third, he lived his life engaging and cultivating relationships with people who didn’t know God at all.

Following Jesus is all about living out those relationships! It begins with a daily, intimate relationship with the Father. It spills into a fellowship with other believers. And it overflows into sharing our relationship with Jesus with those who don’t know him at all. When we follow Jesus’ model, we stop working so hard, and allow his life to flow in and through us.

Please register for The Chat Room above and receive additional information prior to the first meeting on Tuesday, September 7.