Dec 29 Service Info: Nursery care (birth-3 years) only; no kids, students, or adult classes.

Edmond Christmas Outreach

Spread joy to others this holiday season when you participate in Christmas outreach at Crossings Edmond!
Edmond Christmas Outreach

Be known by love in our community this Christmas!

Sponsor a teacher
Stop by the Crossings Edmond Atrium on Sunday, December 1 to pick up a gift bag to fill with goodies for a teacher/staff member at Sunset Elementary. Be sure to return the filled gift bag by Sunday, December 15.

Serve our City
Participate in three separate service opportunities on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to share the love of Jesus with our community this holiday season.

  • December 4 - Fill more than 200 stockings and write cards for UCO international students who are on campus during the holidays. (Regular kids/students Wednesday night programming available.)
  • December 11 - Assemble 600 gift bags for Sunset Elementary School students to receive during their Winter Wonderland day. (Regular kids/students Wednesday night programming available.)
  • December 18 - Feed The Hunger Packathon - Help pack life-saving meals that are distributed in the United States and abroad. Kids are welcome to participate, but there will also be childcare available for birth-1st grade. Registration is full.