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Scissortail Park Sep 28 8:30 AM
Pastor, Global Missions
2.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe water at home. The global water crisis claims 3.4 million lives each year. Every 43 seconds, a child dies from preventable waterborne diseases.
Crossings is partnering with Water4, one of our strategic global ministry partners, for the annual Walk4Water4 event on Saturday, September 28 from 8:30-11:00 a.m. Help support Water4’s mission to unlock the potential of African communities with safe and Living Water through businesses on mission.
Walk4Water4 is an opportunity for you to take action in the global fight to bring safe water to all people. By participating as a volunteer or by walking in the event, you help create a world where all people have access to lifesaving safe water in contexts of poverty while also sharing the love of Jesus in locations like Fogbo Sierra Leone, where our Crossings team saw, firsthand, how lives were being transformed with clean and Living Water this year.
You can walk in-person at Scissortail Park (any distance with any quantity of water), walk wherever you are, or sign up to volunteer!
This is a fun and meaningful way for everyone in the family to make a difference and to be reminded together of the blessings we all enjoy.
All participants are also encouraged to raise funds to help provide access to safe water in partnership with Water4. These funds help to provide jobs and provide clean water to households, schools, and hospitals. In each location, Discovery Bible Studies are ensuring that communities are being discipled in God’s Word. Fundraising resources can be found at
Only $350 provides piped, safe water to a home, which means every individual and group can make a tangible and lifelong impact for a family in rural Africa.
In addition to the walk, there will be interactive activities for children, food trucks, music, and more!
On Sundays, September 8, 15, & 22, each Crossings location will have prayer stations where you can participate in praying over the process of bringing safe water and Living Water to communities in Africa.
Register to walk using the button below; click "Join a Team" or create a team with "Crossings" in the team name.
Invest in others through serving and help make this an amazing experience for participants! Over 140 volunteers needed! View the registration to see available positions and time slots.
Sunday, September 15 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 250 at Crossings OKC.
Water4 is an Oklahoma City-based international nonprofit using faith, innovation, and empowerment to reimagine a world where all people have access to safe water.
Water4 equips missional entrepreneurs in developing nations to create lasting economic, physical, and spiritual change by providing safe water to their communities. This approach puts the solutions to local problems in the hands of local people and ensures that safe water access is sustained by local resources.
Since 2008, Water4 and their partners have impacted the lives of over 1.4 million people in more than 30 countries through the power of safe and living water.
We’re here to help! Contact Angela Presley with any questions or for more information at (405) 242-5559.