Devotional | Beth DeGrace | Jul 21, 2024

Blessed by Seeing

Blessed by Seeing

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17


Married at the age of 34 and a mom at 35, I had many years to create an image of family life—clean house, dinner ready, baby content and swaddled in my arms. One day, three weeks after my daughter was born, I went through my mental checklist:

Clean house - check.
Infant fed - check.
All ingredients for dinner - nope.

An easy solution: a quick run to the grocery store. But her whimper, that started in the car, turned into a full-on siren in the middle of the store.

But pushing on.

Ingredients in the basket, waiting in line, exhausting all tactics for soothing a crying baby, and suddenly a stranger behind me leaned in and said, “She is only loud to you. I am blessed by seeing her today.”

Those words “blessed by seeing” took my breath away then and continues to do so today. That simple statement, revealed the truth of my heart. You see, the stranger had eyes to see the blessing, but I could not. The stranger delighted in God’s creation, and I wanted to get everything done as perfectly as possible—for me. The truth revealed in this everyday errand—I worshiped me. I worshiped my comfort. I worshiped being in control. I made myself the center of the story.

The pursuit of perfection is a slippery slope. We want to check every box, meet every standard, and present a flawless image to the world—but therein lies the problem. I overlooked the gift and responsibility as God’s image bearer. I turned the mirror, and the image I bore was Beth.

In my quest for a perfect family life, I realized I worshiped me—my own abilities and desires—rather than acknowledging God's presence and sovereignty. I was striving to fulfill my own standards instead of embracing the grace and beauty God had placed right in front of me.

Colossians 3:17 encourages us to integrate worship into all of our actions, reminding us to glorify God in everything we do. Worship is not confined to Sunday mornings or specific spiritual activities. It’s a lifestyle. It’s how we live with God every day, in every moment, even in the aisles of a grocery store.

Author Paul Tripp writes, "Worship is a lifestyle. It’s not just an event; it’s not just something you do in church. It’s the way you live before God every day." Jackie Hill Perry echoes this sentiment, saying, "Everyday worship is about recognizing God's presence in the mundane moments and giving him glory in all we do."

I challenge myself, and you, to consider who or what you worship in your daily routines. Are you like me—more concerned with how others perceive you than with how you are honoring God? Or perhaps, like me, you find yourself worshiping perfection to earn approval rather than resting in God’s grace? 

The truth is, we serve a God who delights in our everyday lives and finds joy in our hearts turned towards him, to have a heart posture that is blessed by seeing his goodness. Today, let us choose to live in his presence and worship him in all we do.


Heavenly Father, help us to see through your eyes. Remind us that worship is not about perfection but about living in your presence daily. Help us to find joy and gratitude in the everyday moments and to reflect your love in all we do. Amen.

Beth DeGrace
Kids Pastor at Crossings Edmond

Beth is blessed to share the love of God with families and children, birth through 6th grade.


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