Devotional | Scott Conrad | Sep 15, 2024

Parental Prayer

Parental Prayer

“And he answered them, ‘O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me.’“ Mark 9:19


This verse, spoken by Jesus, is a powerful reminder of the importance of bringing our children to him, especially in times of need or struggle.

Children are a gift from God, but much anxiety can come when raising them. Patty and I have been blessed with four boys God entrusted us to raise. In our marriage's early days, we became parents overnight to my nephews Colton and Parker. This sudden change brought a mix of joy and challenges, but it also taught us the importance of faith and prayer in parenting. Shortly after that, we had two more boys, Hudson and Noah, and this began the journey of raising boys to men. We committed, early, to cover them in prayer along with a biblical foundation and worldview in their schooling and social life. We came across a list of verses and ideals that we could pray over our boys for each month of the year.  

  1. Know Christ as Savior early in life (Psalm 63:1, I Timothy 3:15).
  2. Have a hatred for sin (Psalm 97:10).
  3. Be caught when guilty (Psalm 119:71).
  4. Be protected from the evil one in each area of their life: spiritual, emotional, and physical (John 17:15).
  5. Have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships (Daniel 6:3).
  6. Respect those in authority over them (Romans 13:1).
  7. Desire the right kind of friends and be protected from the wrong ones (Proverbs 1:10-11).
  8. Be kept from the wrong mate and saved for the right one if this was in their future (II Corinthians 6:`8-20).
  9. Be prepared for marriage and be a blessing to a future spouse (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).
  10. Learn to totally submit to God and actively resist Satan in all circumstances (James 4:7).
  11. Be single-hearted, willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2).
  12. Be hedged in so they cannot find their way to the wrong people or places and the wrong people cannot find their way to them (Hosea 2:6).

Prayer is the antidote to our parental anxieties. It is not a one-time request, but a persistent and determined act of faith. Anxiety always takes us down the worst path and leaves God out of the equation. But with prayer, we can focus on and ask for God’s wisdom and discernment. The father of the boy with the unclean spirit never gave up on his son and his desire to see him healed and restored. He shared with Jesus that the evil spirits were trying to destroy his son. He begged Jesus to “have compassion on us and help us.” The only thing in this father’s ability was to ask if Jesus could help. Jesus said all things are possible for one who believes. Immediately, the father cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief.” We know in this life, our children will face trouble and hardship, but we must not lose sight of the power of Christ and the prayers we can petition for them as parents. Our persistence in prayer is a sign of our commitment to our children's well-being.


Dear God, I pray that my children’s love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so they may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Amen (Philippians 1:9-11)

Scott Conrad
Pastor, LifeCare Ministries - Counseling

Scott is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with LifeCare Ministries at Crossings. Scott desires to be an instrument of encouragement and hope to those who are hurting and point them to Christ.


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