Due to inclement weather, all Crossings locations are closed and all activities, including Wednesday night classes, are cancelled today, Feb 12.

Devotional | Marq Youngblood | Apr 3, 2020


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8


My life changed very quickly when I suffered a knee injury as a junior in high school. The basketball season was about to begin, and I was the starting shooting guard. It was the first time I felt the effect of a sudden and significant change in my life.

Also, it was the first time I experienced the practical application of what has become one of my favorite passages in God's Word, Hebrews 13:1-3, 5-8. Each time I read these verses, I’m reassured of God’s unending presence and unchanging nature. I’m reminded that he calls us to actively love others at all times. Christ is constant and consistent despite what changes in life. Since he is the same, I can continue to serve him by serving others, even in the most difficult times.

What a privilege we have to live out our faith in him by continuing to demonstrate his love through serving strangers, prisoners, those who are suffering, and others in need. Due to serving on the Crossings Community Clinic team, my awareness is heightened as the world battles COVID-19. Those who are infected, family members, friends, and neighbors need us.

In addition, those in the healthcare field need us as they assist those who are sick and suffering in our community. They need our prayers, patience, and support as we walk through these challenges together.

Even though we are temporarily distancing ourselves to minimize the spread of the virus, we can still serve others in effective, but different ways. The Clinic has limited in-person appointments, but we've been able to meet many of our patients’ needs by telephone.

As we pray and take precautions, let's seek options to serve others in ways that are still available to us. We can count on Christ to help us as we continue to help others.


Heavenly Father,

We’re grateful for your love and presence. Thank you for remaining the same when there are so many other things changing. You are faithful and dependable, even in the most difficult times. You are the source of our strength and you provide the stability we need to walk through every challenge we face in life. Your grace is sufficient for us. May we keep our focus on Christ and be shining examples of hope to the world. May we continually serve others with the sacrificial love you have shown us.


Marq Youngblood

Crossings Community Clinic Executive Director

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