Devotional | May 24, 2020

MAY 24, 2020

MAY 24, 2020


I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel my presence even in your time of pressure and trouble. I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast. You will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!” - Psalm 91:15-16 TPT


Dear God,

There’s a tendency in these times to look at all that has been taken from us, to focus on what we missed out on, things we lack or wish we had back. We are collectively grieving the plans that were thwarted, celebrations that have been cancelled, jobs that have been lost, financial downturns, and ongoing restrictions and threats of illness. You are a God who listens and empathizes. You don’t tell us to get over it, or that our groanings are petty or complaints are unjustified. Our dissatisfaction is not against you, it is founded in our circumstances, and so our response is to cry out to you for comfort, hope, compassion, and mercy. And you answer us, you fill us with your presence so we can go through whatever trouble is before us. And in the end, you promise to rescue us so we might know the fullness of our salvation. I’m holding tight to your promises,



Complaining about what is happening around you and complaining about God’s discipline or will are two separate things. God wants you to come to him with your concerns, your grief, your discontent, for him to answer and rescue you. What do you need to bring to him today?


It is so comforting to know God wants us to come to him and share with him whatever is on our hearts and minds. The God of the universe, our omnipotent creator, wants to catch our tears and share in our grief. Today, listen to the worship song, “Fullness,” and be open with God about what you’re experiencing today.