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Devotional | May 23, 2020
I surrender my will to the power of the Holy Spirit within me. I can think of no greater goal than for my life to be described as “one who demonstrated the fruit of the Holy Spirit.” Lord, strengthen me to live intentionally in the Spirit: to love others with the love of Christ, a love that encompasses action and purpose. To know joy in all circumstances and choose it daily. To rest in your peace, but also be a peacemaker, not adding to conflict. In times of testing, to seek to respond with patience and forbearance, both with you and others. To practice consistent, intentional and random, acts of kindness for your sake, not public recognition. To understand your goodness and reflect everything that encompasses you to your children so they will know you more. For my faith to endure in good times and bad. For gentleness to overpower arrogance or dominance. To replace self-entitlement, irresponsibility, and indulgence with self-control. I know it is only with my will aligned with yours that this is possible, so that is my prayer.
In your name,