Devotional | May 12, 2020

MAY 12, 2020

MAY 12, 2020


Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace. - Luke 1:78-79 NLT


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Jesus to give redeeming light in the hopelessness of darkness. You did not leave us sitting in our state of despair, but you lead us to the path of peace. I know your peace is not temporary or fleeting; it is full of eternal promise and a consuming presence understood best as wholeness. The world is in chaos, as divided as ever. The shadow of death looms and darkness has set up camp in every nation. Take mercy on us, and fill me to the fullness with your light, let me keep faithfully to the path of peace, and bring this great promise to others who so desperately need you now.

In Jesus’ name,



What does light in the current state of darkness look like? How can Jesus bring peace into your situation? Is the light of Jesus growing brighter or dimmer as you navigate this time of isolation/reopening?


During the COVID-19 pandemic, our world has experienced darkness through loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, and loss of stability. Even through this darkness, uncertainty, and unprecedented situation in our world, God has been walking with us through each trial and leading us toward peace only he can offer. Our God is a merciful, loving God who desires to help us emerge from this difficult time even stronger, even closer to him, even more ready to demonstrate his love to those we encounter. Today, watch the sermon message, “The Light in the Darkness,” and allow this truth to take root in your heart.