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Devotional | Demetrius Bell | Apr 10, 2020
In this time of uncertainty, fear, confusion, and anxiety, we all seem to be trying to figure out which way is up. Our city, state, nation and the entire world feel like we are almost at Defcon 1 due to the current virus that has created a worldwide pandemic.
So many people are afraid of what they don't know; many are afraid of being neighborly or even coming to the aid of others because of this. Many local, state, and higher health organizations have provided instruction on the things we all can do to help at this critical time to protect ourselves and our loved ones, but what about those in need? What about those who cannot get out to get food, medicine, "tissue" paper or other needed supplies? What about those who simply can't afford the things they need for many reasons, which now includes loss of work due to businesses having to shut down?
As God's children, we’re called to be a light. We need to be like that city on the hill that cannot be hidden. As a society, we need to take appropriate measures to safeguard ourselves, but where we can, we should be good neighbors by helping others. It can be as simple as helping to deliver food and supplies to a family you know is struggling and is in need. It could be checking on the senior adults in your life by phone, text, FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. It could be simply posting helpful information on your social media to help others navigate all the information out there, because whether you know it or not, you have influence with those in your circle.
But most of all, let's all be in prayer to God our Father for his hand to be at work by providing healing and comfort to us all in these unpleasant times. God, let us be an influence in this world.
Oh gracious Father,
We come to you during this time of uncertainty, fear, and confusion to ask that you would intercede on behalf of your children. We know you are in control and are working all things for our good, so we put our faith and trust in you, Lord.
We thank you for the modern science, knowledge, and wisdom you have given us as people to create tests and medicines to help this world. What an amazing God who endowed people with such gifts! Lord, we ask that you would help us to be safe, but where we can’t, that you make allowances for us to be a light to those in need. We ask for people to see YOU shining through us being good neighbors to one another.
Lord, we thank you for the healing that is already occurring, and we ask for you to comfort those who are in need of your comfort. It is with humble hearts that we pray.