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Devotional | Deidre Franklin | Mar 9, 2025
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Luke 4:1-2
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness provides a model for the season of Lent, six weeks of spiritual reflection and renewal. Luke emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit, bookending the account with his presence. It was the Spirit who led Jesus into the wilderness to face temptation. Then, in verse 14 we read, “Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power.” Jesus did not wander aimlessly into the wilderness. It was a deliberate season in his spiritual journey. Similarly, the Holy Spirit invites us to take this Lenten journey, and promises his presence and power as we confront our own temptations and weaknesses.
During his time in the wilderness, Jesus encountered three distinct temptations, each designed to challenge his reliance on the will of God the Father and the power of the God the Spirit. The first temptation targeted Jesus’ physical needs. After 40 days of fasting, the devil tempted him to turn stones into bread. He not only appealed to Jesus’ hunger, but also challenged his identity. Jesus resisted, relying on Scripture in his response: “People do not live on bread alone.”
The second temptation offered Jesus power over all the kingdoms of the world—if he would only worship the devil. Jesus knew that suffering was ahead of him and might have been tempted to take a shortcut to his reign, but that was not the Father’s plan. So, he declared, “You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.”
In the third temptation, the devil again attacked Jesus’ identity, urging him to prove he was the Son of God by throwing himself from the temple. But Jesus responded with these words of truth: “You must not test the Lord your God.”
These temptations mirror the challenges we often face: physical desires, the allure of power, and the quest for significance. Hebrews 4:15 reminds us that Jesus understands our weaknesses because “he was tempted in every way, just as we are … yet he did not sin.” He overcame them by surrendering to God’s plan and leaning on the power of the Spirit. And when we feel tempted, we can follow his example. Jesus has shown us the way to stand firm.
Dear Jesus, thank you for showing me the way to resist temptation. Help me to rely on your Word and to keep my focus on you. Give me strength to stand firm in my faith and to emerge from this Lenten journey with a renewed spirit. Amen
Deidre FranklinPastor, Spiritual Formation
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