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Devotional | Larry Harrison | Jan 5, 2025
At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you also going to leave?” Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:66-69, NLT
I’ve been captured by this passage the past few weeks. I keep reading it over and over and asking myself how this is possible. How is it possible that people would walk away from Christ after what he has just done?
The back-story here is that in the previous 24-48 hours, Jesus has fed 5,000+ with five loaves and two fish. He has walked on water and calmed the storm. He’s spoken words that have stirred hearts like no other rabbi has ever done. And yet, when he begins to explain his ministry and purpose, people begin to back away and leave him. Some because they didn’t understand and were offended. Some because they wanted to see more of the show, and once it was over they were on to the next thing. And some because they were simply hungry and wanted to be fed again. But there were those … a few who heard and believed.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.” The writer of Hebrews then goes on to give examples from the Old Testament of what true faith looks like. The words of Peter in John 6, and how he responds to Jesus’ question, could easily have been listed in the examples of faith in Hebrews 11, had it occurred earlier in time.
I love Peter’s declaration in verse 66 … “Lord, where would we go?! You have the words that give eternal life.” Even though we know all of Peter’s story and understand he’s going to have his good and bad moments in the coming days and weeks, these words that Peter utters have captured the essence of the FAITH journey we all are on. “Lord, where would we go?” You can almost hear the desperation and trust in his voice. The words Peter speaks are the most basic and foundational words as to how we are to follow Jesus. By FAITH. We must understand there is no other Name that is worthy to be worshiped and followed by FAITH. Let’s say it with Peter … “Lord, where would we go?”
Have you seen Jesus “feed the 5,000” in your life recently? Express your FAITH by giving him praise and thanking him for his miraculous power in your life. Be reminded that the Jesus you are following has the power to do the impossible in your life.
Have you been through difficulty or loss? Reaffirm your FAITH and trust in Jesus by simply declaring … “Lord, where would I go? You have the words of eternal life!” Ask him to fill you with his presence and the HOPE that only he can give.
Lord, there is nowhere else and no one else I can turn to. I have put all of my FAITH in you, because I believe you are the Son of God. I will FOLLOW you, even though I may not see. I will WORSHIP you, even though I may not understand. I will LISTEN to you, because you alone have the words of eternal life.
Larry HarrisonPastor of Worship Ministries
Larry oversees and encourages the Worship Ministries of Crossings Community Church. He specifically leads the worship each Sunday in the Sanctuary services at Crossings OKC. He’s been married to his beautiful wife, Kim, for over 32 years, and they have one daughter, Halle Scott and a son-in-law, Ben.
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