Devotional | Apr 3, 2020

DAY 33

DAY 33


We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being, but God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously. - 1 Corinthians 10:13 TPT


Dear God,

I take great comfort in knowing temptations and tests of my faith are common and not unique to me. I can also take consolation that your faithfulness and grace will limit the severity of every test and prevent me from being tempted beyond my ability to cope. Your infinite grace is available for me and every believer who faces hardship, temptations, and seasons of difficulty. While you do not promise to remove every difficulty or temptation from my life, in your faithfulness you will provide both a way of escape and the power to endure until I’m delivered safely and victoriously out of the path of destruction.

In your powerful and faithful name I pray,



Temptations and tests of faith are common to all. Whether it’s worry, distrust, denying Jesus, or destructive behaviors and habits, we all fall into them at some point. How has God shown you a way out in his faithfulness? Are you facing something today where you need God to help you endure as you make your way to his escape plan? Who do you know who needs to witness God’s faithfulness in your life? How can you make them part of your life from now on?


When we think about tests, trials, and temptations, our heart rates may quicken, or we may feel a familiar pit in our stomachs. These things are never easy; they’re full of pain, struggle, weariness, and weakness, but these trials are experiences we all share, and as Christ-followers, we aren’t left to stumble alone through difficult times—God is making a way for each of us to grow through them. Today, listen to the song, “Your Grace Is Good,” and let the truth in those lyrics reign over the difficulties you’re dealing with today.